The company Nivogradnja has successfully been doing business for over 21 years in the construction sector, as a contractor and an investor in residential and office buildings.

The company Nivogradnja has successfully been doing business for over 21 years in the construction sector, as a contractor and an investor in residential and office buildings.

About Us


The company Nivogradnja has successfully been doing business for over 21 years in the construction sector, as a contractor and an investor in residential and office buildings. Every year we increase the number of construction projects in which we take part.

In collaboration with our sister companies, Nivoprojekt d.o.o. making project documentation, and the company Nivotrgovina d.o.o. supplying all the materials needed for construction and the equipping of a building, we have constructed over 4000 apartments. We have never extended our deadline for completion of a construction that has been announced and all buildings are registered into land registries.

We are proud of all our performed jobs and buildings we have constructed, but we highlight the follow references:

In Zagreb, Croatia :
the Ris settlement – Bolnička cesta 34,  The Prečko-jug settlement – Jarnovićeva 17, Buildings in Kuzminečka, Buildings in Lopatinečka, Residential-office buildings in Dankovečka,  Residential-office buildings in Medvedgradska,  Residential-office buildings in Miramarska,  Residential-office buildings in Trnjanska, Residential-office building Bednjanska, Residential-office buildings in Nova Ves, Residential-office buildings Kolakova, Residential buildings Malekova, Residential building Gospodska, Residential building Križna.

In Rijeka, Croatia:
Residential-office building Kontuševa

In Novigrad, Croatia:
Residential buildings Kastanija

Residential - office building Trsat, Rijeka, Croatia


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